6:30pm - 7:45pm every Thursday
From September 15 to November 17
This 10-week small group will learn and practice together the language from Genesis Process F.A.S.T.E.R scale (which stands for- forgetting priorities, anxiety, speeding up, ticked off, exhausted, relapse) to help us pay attention to the unhealthy and unhelpful behaviors that keep us stuck in negative patterns instead of experiencing life on God’s terms - full of grace, forgiveness, and love.
Each week we’ll hear from a different guest speaker (pastors, recovery house leaders, friends of Spring Church) who use the F.A.S.T.E.R scale in their everyday life and can help teach and inspire us how to be more open and honest with ourselves and others with this tool.
This is a 10-week small group that gathers at Lettered Streets Coffee House + Zoom.
If you’d like more information about this group or if you’d like to be on an intercessory prayer team for this group, please contact Jessie! jessie@springchurchbellingham.com