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Common Table Gathering

We meet at First Baptist Fellowship Hall in downtown Bellingham every Sunday evening at 6pm

First Baptist Fellowship Hall address:

110 Flora Street, Bellingham

please enter through the kitchen door (pictured) adjacent to the color Last Supper mural in the parking lot.


  • We begin worship by eating dinner together. There is always a vegan option.

  • Gatherings are interactive and dynamic! Many people participate in various aspects of the worship gathering.

  • We believe play is an important part of worship, so we always play games together when we gather.

  • We focus on a particular question that stems from the “Big Idea” we’re focusing on throughout different seasons in the church year. We explore that question through scripture, through encountering the Holy Spirit together, and through the sacrament of communion together.

  • At 5:30pm, the setup team and anyone who wants to join, meet to check in with each other - asking honest questions about how we are doing, and having some quiet time to connect with the Holy Spirit


Jessie would love to talk with you! You can reach her at if you have any questions about Spring Church, this worship gathering, or would like prayer.

Earlier Event: March 5
Ash Wednesday
Later Event: March 16
Common Table Gathering