Heading North

If our hearts are a compass and Jesus is our magnetic north (who our heart is designed to be most drawn to), this group helps us to identify the other things in life that like to cleverly disguise themselves as “north,” taking our focus off of Jesus and onto other things. We follow Jesus together by learning how to guard our hearts from these magnets by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In this small group we read the Bible, pray the prayer of the examen, learn alongside one another by asking questions and telling stories, and we end our time together playing a game.

What to Expect

— You’re encouraged to sit with uncommon friends around round tables. This small group is in-person only.

— We believe play is an important part of worship, so we always play games together when we gather.

— This small group focuses on our Big Idea for this church season - "Jesus’ love for unexpected people transforms how we love.” We’ll be looking at various stories in the gospels and take a deeper dive asking “Why is this friendship unexpected? How was this friendship transformational? How is Jesus inviting me this week to do something different in the ways I love others?”


We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 6:30pm - 7:45pm at First Baptist (110 Flora Street, Bellingham).