Posts in Uncommon Friendship
Faith, Friendship, and Finding the Right Space
Common Discipleship, Uncommon Friendship, The Kingdom of God, A Great Commission LifeSpring ChurchJesus, SpiritualJourney, uncommon friends, Spring Church, common discipleship, evangelism, advent
Sharing Clean Water
Common Discipleship, Uncommon Friendship, The Kingdom of God, A Great Commission LifeSpring ChurchJesus, SpiritualJourney, uncommon friends, Spring Church, common discipleship, evangelism, advent
From Street Corners to Shared Tables
Artwork by Jackson Joyce
3-minute read
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Common Discipleship, Uncommon Friendship, The Kingdom of God, A Great Commission LifeSpring ChurchJesus, SpiritualJourney, uncommon friends, Spring Church, common discipleship, evangelism, advent
Re-evaluating Social Media
Election Results, Growing Up, Remembering Who we Are (Liminal, Part Two)
Liminal, Part One
Prompts and Practice
You Can’t Change Them
What's an enemy, with friends like these?
Practicing a Reminder
1+1 = Trouble
Love, and Other Reasons
To Give Up or Not?
What’s Important is Where God Shows Up
Story Truth
Closed Door, Open Door
Filling in the Blank
Joy and Confusion, Both (Easter Day)
Crucify Him (Holy Friday)
In the Garden (Love One Another Thursday)