The Big Idea

10 minute read

For every liturgical season in the church calendar, we focus on one particular “Big Idea” that helps us embody the Story of what God is already doing in our neighborhood. If we think of the Big Idea as a river, then here’s how Spring Church is entering into the incredible reality that: “God is at work and at play in the everyday joys and frustrations of ordinary life.”

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(2 minute read)

Last week somebody mentioned Juneteenth, and I realized that I don’t have a clue what Juneteenth is about. I’ve grown up hearing about it, it’s on my electronic calendar, and it’s always been around me. Yet, all I knew was, “It’s a holiday for African-Americans.”

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What if My Pentecost Life and my Normal Life is the Same Life?

7 minute read

Pentecost has often been a peculiar day for me. I love the story of how the third member of the Trinity is sent: I love the fire, and wind, and the Church preaching in a miraculous foreign language. I love reading the book of Acts like a script for a movie, and I love how this story reminds us every year about how the Holy Spirit is still with the Church today.

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My Normal Life and my Great Commission Life are the same Life (Part 1)

What if the Great Commission included all these dirty diapers? What if the Great Commission is about this family, and this giant pile of laundry, and our neighbors, and the people at work, and our small group, and church? Why do we have to stop our Normal Life, go do some amazing Great Commission Thing somewhere far away, and then come back to our Normal Life?

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Love One Another Thursday

Today we’re going to compare news headlines from The New York Times and Fox News, because today is Love One Another Thursday.

You might be more familiar with the Latin name for today: Maundy Thursday. Back when the Church used Latin all the time, “Maundy” was the shorthand title for “Maundatus Novum,” which is Latin for “New Commandment.” What is the “new commandment” to which this Thursday points?

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You Are Not Alone

I wrote these prayers for my diverse group of friends, scattered around the globe, to help us all remember that we are not alone, and to help us walk through this season together and with Jesus who loves us and keeps us. Also, candidly, writing these prayers also helps me reflect on the joys and the struggles of the last two weeks, to help me remain connected to the incredible emotional rollercoaster of this pandemic.

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Learning how to lament together in the Hospital

Americans, on the whole, don’t know how to lament together very well.

In fact, odds are good that, as you read that last sentence, you thought, “Lament. That’s a weird word. I wonder what Matt means by ‘lament’.” Well, thank you for asking. I mean the actual basic definition: To mourn aloud. Americans don’t often mourn aloud together, particularly in ways that are helpful to the aloud mourners and their friends.

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